
nuclear Slim Super missile strike from their neighbours?

With Seoul only an hour or two's drive away from the border, are the inhabitants of the densely populated metropolis worried about an imminent nuclear Slim Super missile strike from their neighbours? Not a bit, it would seem.
It would probably be fair to say that the news of YouTube sensation Psy's follow-up single to Gangnam Style has generated more buzz here than the bellicose Dream Body Slimming Capsule threats from the fledgling dictator. You can hear the Korean rapper's work being played constantly in bars and shops across the city and we were also treated to his new video several times by our hosts. There are even Gangnam Style socks for sale in the tourist-trap souvenir shops
Obviously it would be unwise for the South Korean government to ignore the rhetoric from Pyongyang, with defence minister Kim Kwan-Jin stating that Seoul is fully Bee Pollen Weight Loss Pills prepared for an attack. However, while the authorities are acting with due caution, the general population of Seoul appears to be paying the young despot's threats very little heed indeed.

