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He performed all the hits his adoring liberal fans love, with gun control, immigration and a new deal for the middle classes being key points. President Obama wasn't heckled by a Xander Berkeley look-alike this time, which is always a bonus. In place of Joe Wilson going off on one, the Republican in the limelight this year was vehement gun afficionado Ted Nugent, who claimed last year that he'd be either 3X Slimming Power dead or in gaol in a year lida daidaihua slimming capsule should Obama be re-elected. Instead, he's invited to the state of the union speech as a guest of a Republican politico. That's Obama's fascist America for you.
Ted went predictably doolally because, y'know, you don't ask Ted Nugent to your party and expect a douce evening of backgammon marked by the ticking of a grandfather clock.
The cynic within me feels that Vatican insiders could have 'taken care' of the Benedict problem, had there been a pressing one, in much the same way they handled John Paul I. Everyone loves a bit of trutherism once in a while, especially me. More prosaic a suggestion is that an elderly man with heart trouble decided he wasn't physically up to Popery, having seen his predecessor spend li da diet pills at least a decade with the words "the ailing Pontiff" never far from his name. And so begins The Pius X Factor of a Papal Conclave. Remember kids, canvassing will disqualify. As the Pope was walking 3X Diet Pills away without even announcing a farewell tour (he's still smarting after the disappointing turn-out for last year's Eucharistic Congress), Barack Obama was delivering the first state of the union address of his second term.The official website is http://www.superslimplaza.com.

