A similar account of A&E interventions in mental health would be a
positive step towards properly addressing the needs of yet another
marginalised section of the community. The Care Quality Commission (CQC)
has already revealed sub-standard emergency Meizitang practices for the mentally ill, the worst cases occasioning death.
It is easy for security analysts, former Islamist penitents and
politicians to rely on ready made narratives on why the UK is still
producing Jihadists. Terms like self-radicalization, alienation,
terrorism and hatred for the West have been accepted and bandied around
without question. But ultimately acceptance of these easy narratives has
lead to misunderstanding and wrong policy decisions. The truth is our
post-Enlightenment mind finds it difficult to comprehend men who look at
the world differently from us.
And there are extreme cases; one
Fletchers client claimed successfully against an NHS trust that
neglected her husband to the point he died in hospital in a state of Meizitang Botanical Slimming Soft Gel
starvation. While the cause of his death remains a strictly
physiological account, it's impossible to rule out how stigma
surrounding his severe depression and threats of self-harm might have
influenced his care, even subconsciously.
We know that mental
illness is real, and that people can suffer in serious and
life-threatening ways. The very nature of an emergency demands Botanical Slimming
pace and immediate help, so it is vital that emergency services are
trained and supported but also expected to appropriately manage mental