
participation in the wars Lida Daidai in Afghanistan

The overriding priority of all right thinking people - a categorisation that unfortunately at this point does not extend to our political leaders - is to understand where this sick ideology comes from, what feeds it, and the most effective way of combating it.
The Muslim community in this country has nothing to apologise for. It does not deserve to be put in the dock for the actions of a few crazed killers who seek to justify Japanese Lingzhi Diet Pills bestiality with a distorted and twisted ideology. What does deserve to be put in the dock is a foreign policy that on the one hand fuels and courts extremism and extremists, while on the other wages war on it with the blunt instrument of drone strikes, missile strikes, and wars of occupation.
Britain's participation in the wars Lida Daidai in Afghanistan and Iraq has been a disaster - both for the Afghan and Iraqi people, yes, but also for society here at home.
Clearly the tools employed up to now have been wanting. Fighting fire with fire only produces more fire; and fire is what we have been spreading unabated throughout the Muslim world since way before 9/11. Surely now, after more than a decade of piling up bodies in the name 3Xpower Slimming of democracy we can no longer afford the luxury of fooling ourselves that killing innocent people over 'there' - directly or by proxy - will not result in the killing of innocent people here.

